For Valentine’s Day, Alex and I partnered with Best Buy Canada to show you guys an intimate look at what a typical day in our lives looks like. We really hope you guys enjoy this little series we put together!
8:00 am: Wake up Together!
Ok, I’m lying. We definitely don’t wake up “together,” but the intention is always there. I’m really a morning person whereas Alex likes to sleep in. But every once in a while, when the starts align, we wake up at the exact same time. On those particularly glorious mornings, we will take turns snuggling with our miniature schnoodle, Sofia, and one of us (usually Alex) will bring coffee to the bedroom. Our favourite thing to do in bed? Take selfies and post on social media! I think other than a good morning kiss and putting on my glasses, the first thing I reach for when I wake up is my phone. I know I’m definitely not the only one who does this!
9:15 am: Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
Thanks to Alex’s mom, we have the most amazing coffee machine. Ok, disclaimer, we both drink an insane amount of coffee. And we are both pretty serious when it comes to how we go about making coffee. Our current machine has a burr grinder built-in. (If you haven’t tried grinding your coffee beans fresh right before you brew, you haven’t lived). The best part? We can use the timer to set the machine the night before. But sometimes, I don’t do that so often, otherwise the water doesn’t stay ice cold overnight. And I’m picky like that.
9:30 am: Airing Our Dirty Laundry
I dunno, Alex says I always shrink his clothes so we make a point of doing our laundry together while we wait for our coffee to brew. We are so extremely lucky to have an in-suite washer and dryer by BOSCH – it makes our lives so much easier. And you know what? Sometimes we get our best ideas while we sort through laundry and fold our bedsheets together. And sometimes, we get into the biggest arguments. LOL.
10:00 am: Bake me a Cake, Baby
My boyfriend is an amazing baker. He loves to bake, too, which is great because I love to eat baked goods. I’m not a dessert person, but I will kill someone for a fresh scone or an oatmeal cookie. Alex makes the best scones, ever. Since we work from home, we make our own schedules. If we feel like having an extra long morning, or preparing for the rest of the week, Alex will take out the KitchenAid mixer and whip up something delicious. Who’s complaining!
11:00 am: Get to Work!
Once we start working, we typically don’t take a break until sundown. I know, it’s extremely unhealthy to be such a workaholic, but when you do what you love, it’s hard to stop! Around mid-morning, Alex and I will reconvene in our office, where we sit across from each other on a big oval table. We got the idea to not do separate desks when we were forced to work on a dining room table for about 6 weeks over the summer. We actually were way more productive and had a better workflow when we sat at the same table rather than at desks. Right now there are 3 people in our team, and we all work at the same table. It’s just big enough to hold a few laptops, a couple hard drives, and of course, our coffee cups! AKA perfect.
12:00 pm: Nails Done, Hair Done, Everything Did.
After checking emails, Alex and I usually take turns showering and getting ready. We love to blast music in our bathroom using our Bluetooth speakers. Sometimes we fight over which type of music to listen to but it’s definitely gotta be something that gets the energy flowing! We have a huge bathroom, thankfully, so there’s always enough room for me to do my extensive makeup looks while Alex blowdries his hair. Our bathroom has to be our favourite room in the apartment. It is like a spa retreat in there – and sometimes, I don’t ever want to come out!
Wanna know how we spend the rest of our day? Head to Alex’s blog for the next chapter in the story….
This post was sponsored by Best Buy Canada, however the opinions are my own.
… but I will kill someone for a fresh scone or an oatmeal cookie.. .EXACTLY THE SAME AS ME!!!!!!!!!!! Great blog entry sweets ❤❗
Thanks so much, Kat!!!! Yaaaaasss fresh oatmeal cookies can literally grow back a limb! xoxo J
Please do an apartment tour!!!
Awwww lol we will! We are trying to get our apartment fully decorated before we do. Stay tuned!!!! xoxo J
Just love you guys!! I loved this and the part where you said you’d kill for a sconce! Lol.. I get upset when I’m on my morning break at work and the cafeteria runs out! Anyway, your always major inspo babe!! Xoxo
LOL right? Scones are where it’s at!!!!! Thanks so much for commenting and visiting my blog! Glad you came :) xoxo J
I came back to look this again – luv it and you guys rock!!!!!
Hiiiiiii :) Thanks for coming back! We are still here lol
You are a major blogging inspiration ? Such a great flow when writing! ?