In-Flight | A woman’s heart

In-Flight | A woman’s heart

A Map of the Open Country of a Woman’s Heart was a map created by D.W. Kellogg circa 1833-1842, and I found it on one of my favourite websites: Brain Pickings. If you have yet to visit her site, I urge you to get off mine (or open link in new tab) and get ready to be bombarded with quasi-useless knowledge. 

I read an article about Maria Popova, a former bodybuilder and creator of Brain Pickings, and all I can remember is the image of her running on a treadmill, flipping through the entire Library of Congress; or something like that. What I mean to say is that she is so much more well-read than me and I am eternally jealous of her brain’s ability to pick stuff like this illustration right here.

The only thing that remains in my heart compared to the Victorian woman’s heart is the Love of Dress. I wonder what the map of a woman’s brain from that era would look like. Yikes!

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