Oh, Josefine. My latest obsession. Her wardrobe is impeccable, her pictures are unforgettable, and her life is so unbelievably beautiful she makes it seem so effortless to be just as cool as her. Reader beware, it’s not so effortless to be as chic as @josefinehj. I’ve tried. I’ve failed. She is just too proverbially cool for school.
But have you seen her rock a camel coat?
Here’s what I know about her so far. She’s Danish. She lives in Copenhagen and spends summers at her parent’s house in Spain, where she takes the most epic bikini and bathing suit shots with her iPhone and yet they make you want to cry. I know that she uses an arsenal of editing apps like POMELO and Afterlight. I also know that she has a sister who looks exactly like her but is somehow not quite as chic (and no, it’s not me). She loves the colour green and owns enough Chanel bags to make you turn green with envy.
I may or may not have bought a pair of Louis Vuitton desert boots because I once saw them on her feed. #InfluencerÂ
A photo posted by Josefine H. J (@josefinehj) on
She only wears the colours black, white, green, camel and silver. Yet every once in a while she throws a curveball by donning an icy blue menswear-inspired shirt as though it were as easy as pie. Well, I suck at making pie crust so lord only knows how I’ll do at fashion curveballs. To say I’m obsessed with her is an understatement.
Can you please follow her, too, and take me out of my misery (or at least join me in it)?
She does have a cool-girl vibe! I’m not sure how I feel about bra-less pics but I can say that some people pull them off well while others don’t haha.
Oh my days! I’m obsessed with her too Justine and of course I’m following her. I wanna be as cool as her!
I hate her so much, but love her immensely. LOL
You know what type of filter uses? I’m in love with her photos and style!!
Did she seriously takes her pictures with her IPhone??
And how come that nobody can tell how is she editing her pictures?? It’s such a mystery this girl…
Ugh. I’ve spent so much time trying to figure out how she edits her pictures. She even did a blog post once about it and I downloaded every app that she suggested LOL!!! Sadly, to no avail. XOXO J
What was the blog post that she did showing the apps?? I must know!! X
Do you have a list of the editing apps? Would love to know…
Ah yes, I absolutely love her snaps and editing style! It’s crazy she just used Iphone :O . Not jealous, no.
I know right, it’s not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!