3.1 Phillip Lim Black Chain Accent Berlin Boots; available at ssense.com; $890 CAD.
When I should be “working” I’m really just perusing the online shops, hypothesizing a Fall ’14 wardrobe that hinges on me playing, and winning, the lottery. Since I’m vehemently against gambling (unless I know I can win), my imaginary closet remains an unattainable feat. As with all fantasies, the aspiration – the wanting – is always better than the getting. I mean, the getting feels good for about five to ten minutes, depending on the magnitude, but after that it just fizzles out. Just ask any nouveau riche, they’ll tell you how much better life was when wealth was only an aspiration, no turkey on Thanksgiving. Is life better when these Phillip Lim ankle boots are still only an aspiration? Maybe I should just buy them and let you know how awful it feels to see them on my feet every day.