National Ballet of Fashion

National Ballet of Fashion

Wish dress available at Poor Little Rich Girl // Bottega Veneta shoes // Gucci bag // PANDORA CharmsOval earrings // Claire Aristides Diamond Initial Bracelet 

Sometimes I walk the streets of Toronto and wonder, where are all the fashionable people at? Like yo, where you at? Well, last night my prayers were answered. I was invited to attend the Mad Hot Ballet Gala ‘Lost in Venice’ in support of the National Ballet of Canada, which took place at the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts in downtown Toronto. I knew I’d be seeing breathtaking ballet performances, but nobody warned me about the fashionable attendees. Helllooooo Torontonians in Chanel couture and Zac Posen! (And some in traditional Venetian carnival masks and embellished 13th century costumes).

If you want to see great fashion in Toronto, don’t go to fashion week. Go to the ballet!

What a breath of fresh air it was. Finally, women in floor length gowns with the latest Prada clutches in hand. Finally, feathers! Finally, Louboutin Mary Janes paired with Chanel skirts. Finally, skirts of unknown provenance that look like papier-mâché. Finally, even young ladies in North-West-worthy tutus à la Balmain, running around in metaphorical gondolas as tall birds on stilts swooped down to kiss them. It was excess, it was luxury, it was exactly what I needed on a Wednesday night.

In my lovely hot pink dress that moved so effortlessly in the wind, I felt not uncomfortably superior (which I sadly, often do when I show up to a non-fashion event) but even, dare I say, normal! Or maybe a little bit like Alice in Wonderland. Like a kid in a candy store. I felt a surge of hope for our city (and for me) that there will be a place I can wear an evening gown other than at my own wedding; that fashion bleeds into high society (that there even is a high society in Toronto); that finally, FINALLY, there is something very New York about it and I can aspire to it right here in my hometown.

Anyone else know a great place to find fabulously dressed people in Toronto? Let me know! Holler at me on Twitter @justineiaboni.

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  1. Sjk
    June 18, 2015 / 6:36 pm

    OMG. Four seasons centre is the best. Jr and I had season tickets to Opeta last year. We would get there early graphics a table eat dinner and people watch. Only problem. We enjoyed the pre show more than the show

    • Justine Iaboni
      June 20, 2015 / 11:34 am

      So decadent! Ya, it usually is lol. Need to go back!

    • Justine Iaboni
      June 20, 2015 / 11:33 am

      Thanks girl!

  2. donna
    June 30, 2015 / 10:07 am

    I LOVE YOUR DRESS!! I cant seem to find it anywhere, and your blog is such a breath of fresh air.

    • Justine Iaboni
      July 2, 2015 / 7:01 am

      Hey Donna!

      Thanks so much :) The dress is from an Australian brand called WISH. If you live in Toronto, it’s available at Poor Little Rich Girl on Yonge at St.Clair. If not, try the WISH clothing website!

  3. December 11, 2015 / 9:46 pm

    Love this. I specifically love that you mentioned feeling “uncomfortably superior” in regards to going to fashion events. I live in Toronto and I feel the EXACT same way, which is odd because I’m not over the top or anything. Anyway! I’m so glad that I came across your blog.

  4. December 29, 2015 / 2:05 pm

    I just love that you’re never boring. Slow clapping from Ottawa, home of the most boringly-dressed people on the planet.

    • Justine Iaboni
      January 2, 2016 / 1:23 pm

      hahahaha. Oh dear!!!

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