Let’s be honest, there are few things in this world that are better than (orgasmic) sex, so when a beauty brand claims that their iconic mascara is in fact, better than sex, we hope in anticipation that they’re right. (We might also question how good we personally are at sex, if we’re admitting that our moves are outdone by a mascara.)
Recently, Too Faced released their waterproof version of what I personally believe is THEE BEST MASCARA EVER. My excitement when the WP version came out was beyond hysterical. As Justine can attest to, I literally texted all the girls on my iPhone in cap locks screaming, “BETTER THAN SEX WPROOF IS HERE!!!” to which every one of them replied with “?”.
I could not contain myself. I dropped $30 on a tube, cancelled my plans with my boyfriend and ran home, convincing myself that this is an affordable mascara, and it’ll do wonders for me.
Initially, I loved the wand – big, curvy, hourglass-shaped like the original – I felt that my lashes would be well taken care of. Upon the first coat however, I was surprised, and not for better. My naturally long lashes were clumped into one spiky and unattractive lash. I struggled to wipe it off and tried again. Same problem. My heart cracked a little with sadness, and I was bummed that perhaps maybe this isn’t going to be the best thing on earth; maybe this isn’t going to be, better than sex.
Then I realized the secret. Girls, listen closely. You don’t brush the wand onto your lashes, you blink your lashes onto the wand. What a world of difference. In just one coat, my lashes were full and beautiful. I didn’t bother with a second or third coat.
For a super doe-eyed French girl look, I added a teeny bit on my bottom lash line, and touched it up with a cotton swap dipped in oil. This will stay on all day. Through allergies, tears, itchy eyes, and all that, it will stay on. It is nearly impossible to get off, so please invest in a really good waterproof eye makeup remover. If you don’t, you may find yourself tugging at hard lashes all night, and that’s gross. It’s worth mentioning too, that this product is very wet, and takes a while to dry. If you don’t give your lashes a chance to set (about 5 minutes) they will smudge together and look ugly AF, and I suggest obviously using a eyelash curler before applying the product. Seems like an obvious statement, but I’ve made that painful mistake many many times.
Final verdict: yes, I will buy it again; no, it is not better than sex.
NB: This post was not sponsored, we went out and purchased the product ourselves, using eBates of course to get 8% cash back! Duh.
lmao nice tip about ebates. Hilarious read.
Loving the commentary!
Thanks so much Annika! xoxoxo
Awesome! I”ll have to try it out Also, eye lash crushers are pre-mascara?…well, that explains a lot (for real. I”m dumb)
HAHAHAHA omg you poor thing lol. Yes always before!!! Personally, I’m into the non-waterproof version – it’s one of the best mascaras I’ve ever used. I buy it religiously.
This product is also vegan and cruelty free! Which makes it really awesome but your absolutely right it’s not actually better than sex lol ? xoxo
HAHAHAH true!!! LOL thanks for stopping by girl! xoxo J