I recently saw this hilarious cartoon in which a man and woman are lying side by side in bed. He’s in boxers; she’s in a bra. The duvet hides the rest.
The man says: “Talk dirty to me.”
She replies: “I’ve been wearing this bra for six weeks.”
I died of laughter. Partially because I love anything that resembles a pun and mostly because it is embarrassingly true. Which got me thinking, to find this particular cartoon funny, it had to be somewhat true for me and at the very least, very true for myself and the cartoonist. Which meant that it was probably very true indeed for more than just myself and the cartoonist. It had to be true for most of us women.
Like, how often should you change your bra? Cuz I’m pretty sure I can go months wearing the same bra – without washing it. And I’m aware that outing myself like this will either result in me making a few new friends or incite backlash and controversy. I mean, no one really knows what happened to the cartoonist. She could be locked up in a jail with all her dirty bras, for all we know. And I wanna put it out there: I’m ok with that outcome. So bring it, you clean freaks.
But seriously, there are no rules or secret women’s guidebooks (and trust me, if you come to one of my dinner parties you’ll know I’ve read them all) delineating how often we should change our bras. I usually do the sniff test. If it doesn’t stink, then it doesn’t need to be washed. And even then, it never really stinks. So I’m like, if I can’t remember the last time I washed my bra, then I should probably wash it?
I apply the same rule to changing out my contact lenses.
Yes, I’m a sham. I read all these books on how to fold hotel corners and which way the dessert fork should face on a place-setting but in real life, I’m just as messy and unsanitary as the proverbial frat boy. But I swear, I’m trying to be better – nothing wrong with seeking out a little reform, even if it’s unrealistic. I’m sure Ina Garten doesn’t change her bra every day, either. #spiritanimal
There’s only one thing I know for sure: when it comes to bras, the truth is dirty.
So, lemme ask you: How often do you change your bra? I’d love to know that I’m not alone in this cesspool of underwire collusion. Leave me a comment below!
xoxo J
Illustration by Karen Koh, www.theillustrienne.com and she’s wearing a Stella McCartney braet, SJP collection shoes and Etienne Deroeux culottes.
Hahahah, love this post… I also wait an embarrassingly long time between bra washes :|
Like what is wrong with us? I feel so dirty and wrong.
I think it depends on the size of your bosom… :/
I used to be a DD – still never washed my bras. I also never owned any white or off-white bras. Mine are all jungle print, camo, or black. Hides the dirt better. Although I found a beautiful lace bra be Eberjey at this store in Malibu, it was the last one, my size. And I looked around the band and it was all dirty like it had been worn. THAT turned me off. The only dirty bras I want touching my body are my own.
Thank you. lol xoxo j
Whats that song about black socks? They never get dirty, the longer you wear them the stronger they get. Sometimes I think I should wash them, But something inside me says no, no not yet… That’s pretty much my view on bras.
Plus they are a pain to wash! And even when I handwash them and have angels flutter their lashes to dry them, they never seem quite the same…
Angels flutter their lashes to dry them. BEST. Ya I don’t even bother buying lace bras anymore or expensive ones. Like, what’s the point? Although I wish I had some bras from La Perla. I would never wash them.
Love it!
|| D I A N A ||
LOL…I was actually trying to remember when I last washed my bra the other day, couldn’t remember. Guess it’s time to pull out the woolite, wash tub, and time machine as I go back to the days of beating clothes with rocks to get them clean aka the only way to wash a bra and not totally ruin it.
BAHAHAHAHAHA I’m dying. Beating the clothes with rocks. You kill me!!!! Ya I gotta put mine in the wash today after writing this post. I usually use those little fabric perforated bags they give you at lingerie stores, use forever new powder detergent, and do the cycle on delicate. #21century
I was mine every week. Basically once I wear a bra, I chuck it in the laundry basket and wear a new one the next day. Then when it’s time to do laundry, I wash my bras separately from the other clothes. The only time I repeat wearing a bra is when I am on holiday and try to keep my packing to a minimum.
OMGosh you are a rarity among women! So disciplined. I wish I had your sense of sanitation. I wash mine far too little….
Thanks for stopping by xoxo J
This speaks to me on so many levels – great post!
Thanks so much! Fellow, Justine lol. I washed all my bras today, just to be sure haha.
Thank GOD I’m not alone…Once I went a month. Gross me! Usually it’s 6-7wears/ bra. I tell myself I’ll hand wash these $70 dollar lovelies** after 2 wears..but c’mon.
**No I’m not extravagant with my bras. I just happen to have 34FF boobs so finding $12 cheap bras is simple impossible. Hello boutique bra shops.
Don’t you love when you just HAVE to get the expensive version because of the way god made you. I love that shit.
Two wears at the most and in the wash they go. 34dd. Wash in mesh bag with my laundry. My bras last forever, but no bleach or hot water is used. Also no water softner or hard water in play in my house. The only time I hand wash is on vacation, otherwise I gave it up a long time ago. Yep I am amongst the rarity and strange few that just can’t give up a good old wash cycle.
Wow! You are a rarity lol. Yes I always use a mesh bag, too. But I buy stupid cheap bras as well so if they get ruined it’s not that serious. I feel like I need to update my bra game though and get some pretty silky expensive ones that will force me to treat them better and wash them more often.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your tips! xoxoxo J
Yeaahhhh…. Definitely have not washed this bra in…. Several months? I don’t even know -_-